Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Dear Blog and those people reading this.

I feel that I am in need of an apology for I neglected to update you on Friday as was my original schedule.  But this weekend has been a busy one, with the first update to the fear project requiring my attention.  I didn't know what it would be and the excitement totally got the better of me.  That being said it really isn't an excuse for not doing a blog update.  So, what has been happening?

First off we are in week one of David Wellington's Fear Project. (http://davidwellingtonsfearproject.com/) head on over and read thirteen pieces of flash fiction that are all based around the prompt "setting."  Also, David Wellington has made it sound like the contestants have been kidnapped and we're trying to survive this ordeal.

"So what?" I hear you asking.

"So everything!" I find myself wanting to shout back.  As one of the authors writing in this contest not only does it mean I get to put my creativity and writing skills to the test, but I also may get killed off in a story in the process.

I know many writers talk about killing off people who annoy them in our books.  There meme's saying
"I'm a writer. If I'm staring at you I'm not being rude. I'm trying to decide if you need to go in my book.  If you're a snot, I maybe trying to decide how to kill you." 

That being said, some people would like nothing more than to be in a book.  I've had several people ask if they could be a minor character in a novel of mine.  I even took one of them up on the offer when I needed an administrative character and he fit the bill.  But to be killed off by a no-name writer who is just getting started isn't all that exciting.  But to be killed off by a horror writer who has published several novels.  By a writer who has established themselves enough to make a living off their work.  It is like having all your geek senses tingling because you know you could be next.

I don't know if this is really the most positive message that I should be sending.  I'm comparing myself to characters in a slasher film, knowing that I could be killed off in some horrid manner, and loving every minute of it.

Sorry for the neglect Friday Blog, but I hope to have an update ready in advance explaining my feelings on Kindle Unlimited by then.

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