I'm sorry for the lack of updates in the last month. Unfortunately I've had some health problems come up and it has siphoned the last of the gas from my tank. I've tried to sit and write, but for the last few weeks nothing is coming.
I've taken time to do some reading, some plotting, and realized that I may have to rewrite a 100k word novel first draft from scratch. The thought of doing this brings dread to my heart and makes me want to cry just a little bit. It isn't what I want to do, but life is all about doing things which you don't want to do. The best example of this is dishes, no one likes to wash dishes but every loves to use them.
Understand the next chapter on the serial is coming. Check out Goodreads if you want some reviews or book recommendations for what I've read lately. A friend of mine is also offering his debut novel free for this week on Kindle so check it out. I'll post a link below. While I may not have anything new for you I'll still try to make sure you have plenty of things to read if I'm not providing it.
Rewrites suck, but consider it an opportunity to rediscover your own story. Thanks for the link share, too.