Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Warning! Imminent take-down in the near future!

I know there are a lot of exclamation points in the subject, but it is important for anyone reading this to pay attention.  If you've been waiting to read A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing your time is now limited.  I'm planning on taking it down mid-February and releasing it into the world through Amazon and Createspace.  I know this sounds like I'm a money grubbing author, but there are several reasons I'm doing this.

  1. Yes, making some money would be nice to cover some costs and perhaps get me my own domain. I'd like to turn this into something more than a hobby after all.  
  2. I'm currently working on the outline for the next serial which I'm really excited for.  The problem I run into is that if I add chapters like I did for my first serial the menu will become unruly.  I don't want things to become unruly. 
  3. This is one of the biggest reasons that I want to do it though, I'm a bibliophile.  I love books, love collecting books, and love to have things on my bookshelf to be able to loan out to people.  I want to hold my book in my hand, it is a satisfying feeling that I relish.  
  4. The last reason is that I am going to be self-publishing a novel this year called A Patchwork of Graves which is the book I've put the most work into so far in my life. I promised myself that all stories in the Patchwork series I would self publish. A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing is a piece of the past of this story. But it still is part of this group, so I feel that I would be doing myself a dishonor if I didn't hold to my promise to myself. 
If you want to read it there is still time. If you'd rather wait until it's on E-book or in a print format I understand that as well.  Print books are awesome!  But regardless of what happens, I hope you continue to follow me and enjoy the stories I create for you.

Friday, January 15, 2016

For the love!

Nothing quite takes the fun out of life like sickness and death. I've been sick, while living legends are dropping off faster than George R.R. Martin can write.  I've tried to focus several times this week towards finishing a little project I started the day David Bowie left us.  I'm hoping that it will be done this weekend. Stay tuned for some new short fiction.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The count as it stands.

I want to find some kind of widget that will let me keep track of Accepted/Pending/Declined stats for the coming year. Until I can find such a thing I'll keep it updating it here.

Story Submissions:
Accepted - Pending - Declined
0     -     1     -    1

Friday, January 1, 2016

News for 2016

Hello to all my lovely readers.  I appreciate your page views and the occasional smattering of commentary.  I figured that I would go ahead and give everyone a heads up concerning my plans are for the current year. There are quite a few in the works and i'm hoping to keep things exciting in the coming year.

  1. A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing will be coming off the site mid-February. If you're trying to finish it up, then please keep reading until then.  I'll be making it available through the self-publishing markets so that it is in a place where people can still access it. 
  2. A new serial is coming. I'm currently in the outlining phase of the story and am looking forward to a more consistent schedule than I had for A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing.  If you would like a sneak peek of the first chapter then click on the link for "The Nurse Summers Serials" My goal is to tell this characters story entirely through the serial format.  
  3. My first full length novel will be out through self-publishing as well. For those of you who have read A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing, it's the modern day story of Patch.  This is where he started for me, and his story is one that I have planned for four books.  
  4. Lots of work editing and finishing novels.  As of right now I have three half written novels that need to be finished. I also have two finished novels that need to be edited.  One of them is the one from item number three, while the other is one I'm looking to submit to traditional publishing houses.  
  5. There will also be plenty of other short stories that I will be playing with over the next year as I try out new ideas.  Sometimes they work while at other times they are little more than a train wreck.  But stay tuned as I might share pieces of them here.  
  6. I will also be trying to get pieces that I think will sell into magazines and homes throughout the year.  The goal is a submission a week, this will be tough, but if you're going to set a goal go big. 

This is where I'm at right now as of January 1st.  I've already made my first submission for the year.  I'm still working and hope that you'll join my on my journey by finding my author page on Facebook. I'm also on Twitter where I post notices about updates to the blog.