Monday, April 6, 2015

The importance of reviews.

I have been wanting to write this blog for a while now, probably since I started the blog.  I had just published a collection of short stories and came to the realization that reviews are important.  They're not important in a way that you can pay some guy to read your book and quickly crank out a review, it is something that needs to be heart felt.  

I realize that I am probably as guilty as everyone else in this.  I read a book, get to the end, talk about how good the book is and move on with my day.  Yet in today's market with the self-publishing options that are available to us a good review is the difference between someone buying your book or passing.  

We've all been eyeing products online, or even at the store when we ask someone what they think of it. We already have a good idea of what we'll like, but we have that little nagging voice in the back of our head of self-doubt.  What if the television's picture isn't as sharp as I think it is?  What if there is a newer model of the phone out in two weeks that'll make anyone who owns this one look like a chump?  What if we're not the educated consumer that we all pretend to be at the stores?  

Suddenly, our decision is placed on Jon Doe #476 who just happened to be in Best Buy to see if they had the new Call of Duty game in stock. But what kind of feedback does he give?  

"Eh, that TV's okay, but I went with the sixty inch because I have nothing better to spend my money on."  he says and we're suddenly amazed that we hadn't thought of that astounding option.  That decision which was almost formed is now cast back into the nebulous thought cloud to reform as something with a sixty inch TV in mind.  

That's why I want to address the guidelines I use when I review books on Goodreads.  This basically will tell you what you're getting if you look at my ratings.  I never usually take the time to write a review as I'm usually busy writing all sorts of other stuff, but we'll do etiquette after.  
  1.  5 Star Review- This is the most coveted review and should, in my humble opinion, be reserved for those books which changed your life.  The one that suddenly made you want to go seek out the author and kiss them just for bringing those characters into your life.  This is not just some flimsy review, this is enshrining the book in a museum for all the world to see. Example:  Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson
  2. 4 Star Review - This is the kind of book I'll recommend to a friend if they've already read my five star's.  The book is good, no it's awesome, but it didn't make me want to suddenly go live in that world.  This review means I really enjoyed the book and can't think of anything bad to say, but it just didn't pass that threshold into amazing.  Example: The Crimson Shadow by R.A. Salvatore 
  3. 3 Star Review - The three star review for me is a sign that I've read and enjoyed the book.  The book was satisfying and didn't come across as so boring that I couldn't finish it. Now, I wouldn't necessarily go out and read it again right away, but at least its on the list of books I've read.  Example: A Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein.   
  4. 2 Star Review - This is the kind of book that I would designate as assigned high school reading. They are books that someone told you to read, but really you find yourself almost making excuses to not read anymore of it.  You know that there is supposed to be a lesson, but really, you don't know what it is supposed to be and don't really care.  Ex: For Whom The Bell Tolls by Hemmingway
  5. 1 Star Review - This is the one that I reserve only for the worst kind of book I've ever read.  The book that went nowhere and I derived no satisfaction from it what-so-ever.  Above I've mentioned Hemmingway as a two star option, but as I finished For Whom The Bell Tolls I felt satisfaction at knowing that at least something had happened.  At some points the characters acted on their plans and so with some conflict being resolved I was able to accept it as done.  The one star books don't even give you the satisfaction of that, they are the ones that should you find yourself in hell you'll probably be reading it for all eternity.  I can only think of one book that has fallen so low that I felt it deserved one star... Catcher in the Rye.  
I know that gives you my feelings on some books as well as how they should be rated and I understand that you might not agree with me.  That's okay, the last thing I want to bring up is etiquette in your review.  It is sad that some of these things need to be said but the biggest no-no is don't give spoilers.  Another thing, if you're going to pan the book and give it a one star review give a reason.  

These are my two biggest pet peeves when it comes to reviews, the spoilers because it destroys the joy I might have at a well crafted ending or plot turn.  The lack of a good reason because I've read books that people found horrible and loved them.  Perhaps you don't like a book because of the language or the gore described inside.  Please tell us that so that we can understand your rating.  If you rated a book one star because it had lesbian vampires that sparkled and took tea in the sunlight every afternoon while discussing the politics of the court, tell us! I know people that would be intrigued by a Vampire version of Little Women or Pride and Prejudice, though the lesbian aspect would be entirely new.  But this means that you give the author/artist/musician the best chance to succeed.  

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