I'm doing an update to say a few different things. The first is that nothing kills my will to live more than a regimen of antibiotics. They kill live, oh how they kill life. Every so often I smell something completely rancid that no one else can smell. My appetite is down to nothing, and that is saying a lot. When I don't find food, any food, appealing then there is certainly something wrong with my life.
It isn't so bad as it sounds, I'm in the process of getting better. This time though I'm ten days into a thirty day treatment cycle. From that point we hope everything is going well, otherwise... Well, let's not get to otherwise.
So what have I done to stem the tide of non-caring? I've decided to jump into CampNanowrimo for July. The goal is simple, like the goal I discussed in my last update. Alright, it is the goal from my last update. 600 words a day for one month. 18,600 words to freedom and productivity. It doesn't seem like much, but it's a start.
Also, if any of you are doing Camp I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to comment, or to blow my goal out of the water. The goal isn't to compete against others, it's to compete against your life.