I am a couple days overdue on a blog post and I apologize for that. I was searching for a good topic and my mind like an arid desert. Nothing took root, nothing grew, so I waited. I'm glad now that I did because I found a topic that I loved and will now happily write about: Writers Groups.
There is something enjoyable about getting together with like minded individuals which helps kindle the arts. While this isn't true in all cases, sometimes amazing things occur when minds come together. When musical groups and writers get together ideas bounce around and great things happen. Best of all, in my point of view, the people come out of it feeling strengthened and the creative juices replenished.
An example that I like to use is the song Fame by David Bowie. If you're not familiar with it please stop everything you're doing and go watch it here. Now that we're all familiar with it you'll recognize the lovely and iconic guitar part. The story I've heard about this that John Lennon used to have a place in New York where different musicians would meet and jam. The output of one of these sessions when David Bowie was there was this guitar part, it was something that David Bowie was interested in and so he was told he could have it.
Now this isn't something for everyone and there comes a certain level of paranoia. Letting someone into your creative circle can be both amazing and poisonous. When someone seems like a thief there to steal every gem of an idea it doesn't foster the creative spirit. But when respect is shown, and the ideas of each person are treated with the reverence of a fine painting, it is an amazing experience.
I know this is shorter than my normal posts, but having had my first writers group meeting in almost six months was awesome. If you're part of a writers group or circle, take a minute and thank those around you. Thank them for taking your questions about "which household chemicals could cause a laxative effect without killing the person?" or "If the sun were white instead of yellow what color would things show?" seriously. Also, should you want to know the answers to the questions, 1) Epsom Salt 2) I'm still working on a good way to figure that one out.